We identify
data security threats
for your organization

We develop technologically advanced and user-friendly solutions.

Our tools

GDPR app

An app which supports GDPR compliance with a focus on risk management. It enables you to keep Article 30 records, to assess legitimate interest and the risk of a data breach, to create and keep a record of authorisations, and to handle requests from data subjects. The tool has been designed with Data Protection Officers in mind.

See details

Consulting and IT services


Risk analysis, outsourcing, transaction monitoring, implementations, audits, KYC, obligated institution assessment, training courses.



DPO support, implementations, annual and one-off audits, risk analysis.



IT audits, administration, analyses and implementations, services and more.



Audits of exisiting notification systems. Implementations including drafting procedure templates, bylaws and other documentation; training courses.


What others say about us

Our relations with clients are based on trust and reliable services. Our growth has been possible thanks to extensive analysis of our clients’ needs and providing them with specific solutions which they can use in their everyday work.

Zajmuję się analizą ryzyka od kilkunastu lat. Zetknąłem się z wieloma metodykami oraz źródłami wymagań dotyczącymi szacowania ryzyka. Żadna inna metodyka niż ta zaimplementowana w RedIntoGreen nie odzwierciedla tak dobrze mojego własnego podejścia do tego tematu. Gdybym decydował się stworzyć narzędzie do analizy ryzyka, zrobiłby to tak jak Zespół DAPR. Cóż, już raczej tego nie zrobię, ponieważ oni mnie ubiegli… 


Marcin Soczko

Very professional in their field of expertise, which is among others data privacy and GDPR. I highly recommend DAPR to everyone looking for legal safety, but also a business approach. They always put understanding business needs of a customer first, which is a true value among lawyers. And least but not last, they are really very nice guys you enjoy to work with!

Ewa Stachowska

Training courses and webinars
